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Worcester Linux Users' Group

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Participate
  4. Archives
  5. Resources
  6. Sponsors

Participate in WLUG

WLUG offers various ways to participate in our group. Membership is informal--just show up or join our mailing list and you are a member!

Youtube Channel

WLUG has a Youtube Channel where we upload video recordings of some meetings: Worcester Linux Users Group Youtube Channel


WLUG is currently meeting virtually via Jitsi Meet - WlugMA, a free web video conferencing service based around Jitsi open source software, typically on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. We've also met a few times at the Hudson Public Library in Hudson, MA. The date, time, and location are subject to occasional changes, so please check the WLUG Meetings calendar (good) and look for the meeting announcements on our mailing list (best) for the most up-to-date information.

WLUG historically met on the campus of Worcester Polytechnic Institute on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Our usual meeting location was in the WPI Rubin Campus Center, Mid-Century Room (room 331).

After our meetings we usually go out to a nearby pizza place or pub to continue our lively discussions.


As an all-volunteer organization, WLUG is always looking for new people (and inviting back old friends!) to present topics of interest to our community at our monthly meetings. Presentations can be as formal or informal as you like--from a demonstration or "show and tell" to a full-blown prepared talk with slides. Don't worry--we won't bite! Please contact Tim Keller to discuss what you can offer, and thank you!

Meetup group

WLUG now has a Meetup group: Worcester Linux Users Group

Mailing List and Web Forum

WLUG has a combined mailing list/web forum for general discussion by WLUG members, meeting announcements, ideas for future topics, help and support, etc. Anyone is welcome to join, whether you have come to a meeting or not.

Internet Relay Chat

Join the realtime chat on our IRC channel.